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Warners Bay High School

Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488


Year 9 attend Project Rockit

Students sitting in hall looking at screen

Project Rockit is renowned for its expertise in equipping young people to stand against bullying and cyberbullying. Through engaging and interactive workshops, they instil values of empathy, respect, and digital responsibility. On Friday the 5th April our Year 9 students were given the opportunity to explore online etiquette, privacy, and the impact of their digital footprints. They were also given the opportunity to gain an understanding of the real-world consequences of their online actions.

Each workshop dove into identifying cyberbullying, understanding its effects, and developing strategies to combat it. Students were encouraged to promote kindness, empathy, and inclusion online, becoming active participants in fostering a safe digital environment. By inviting Project Rockit in to facilitate these discussions our aim is to help reduce cyberbullying incidents, foster empathy and inclusivity online and offline, and empower students to be digital leaders and advocates for positive online behaviour.


Male standing at front of stage with microphone in hand





Project Rockit's workshops at Warners Bay High School symbolize a proactive stance against online bullying, and by partnering with such initiatives, we prioritize creating a safe and supportive digital space for our students to thrive.