Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488


Secondary Studies

2024 Highlights


Small Group Tuition / Learning and Support Teachers

Highly successful small group interventions supported students who improved their literacy and/or numeracy. Groups consisted of 3-5 students meeting 2-3 times a week. 30 students participated in this program with NAPLAN and Check-In Assessment results showing most participants achieved significant progress as well as anecdotal improvements in attitude towards learning and attendance. Substantial in-class support was provided to students identified as needing support through NAPLAN and Check In Assessments.

Transition into Year 7

Orientation Day for the Year 7 2025 students ran successfully with students interacting with teachers and their peer support leaders and enjoying a BBQ lunch. Students from non-partner primary schools were invited to an afternoon in Term 4 so they could meet a few teachers and become familiar of the school grounds rather than risk being overwhelmed when starting without knowing any peers. Ms Cocking and Mr McLennan, their Year Advisors ensured students became familiar with the school and started to develop relationships.

Visible Learning Expo

Year 8 students were able to engage fully with the Visible Learning Expo in 2024. Each student presented their work to a panel in the library, usually two Year 10 students, and explained how they’d engaged with the goals they set at the start of the year, solved problems and produced high quality assessment tasks. This year the VLE was adjusted to take a more holistic approach as students were encouraged to identify strengths and progress both within and outside of the classroom.

Life Ready

Senior students participated in a series of activities throughout the year in order to complete the 25 hour mandatory Life Ready course. Sessions addressed a range of issues from careers to relationships, financial literacy and even safe travel. RoadWhyz provided a high-impact session on road safety that encouraged students to be responsible road users. Most of the hours were completed while at the Year 11 Camp.

National Minimum Standards

All Year 10 students participated in testing for NMS with small groups receiving support throughout the year to improve their literacy and numeracy. The few Year 11 students yet to achieve the standards had small group support sessions. Year 12 students who had not yet satisfied the Reading, Writing or Numeracy requirements were supported by Learning and Support Teachers so that all reached the minimum standard prior to completing the HSC.

Check-In Assessments

With NAPLAN cancelled in 2020, Check-In Assessments were introduced to provide additional diagnostic information.  Year 7-9 students completed these assessments in Term 3. This provided excellent diagnostic information to help teachers target learning activities to address any gaps students might have and to identify and target learning support. Year 6 Check In Assessment information was also made available as part of transition arrangements, assisting with the planning of classes for 2025.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Each parent-teacher interview evening was well attended, with participation at the highest rates since COVID-19. Running split between the MPC, Library and E block classrooms, the conversations continue to be much more comfortable with the extra space and without the noise of having all interviews taking place in the MPC.