Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488


Free Software

Free Adobe Creative Cloud for Students and Staff

Adobe Software


Just login with your email address and password to access all of Adobes newest application downloads.  Includes, Acrobat DC, Photoshop, Adobe Premiere pro and more. If your licence has expired, please see your teacher or TSO at school to renew.


Free Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac and mobile

Microsoft Office


WBHS Students can access MS Office 365 online via https://www.office.com using their student email as their username [username@education.nsw.gov.au] or via their student portal.  [Student portal->  Learning -> MS OFFICE 365] 

Select the Install Office button top right to install the desktop Office applications. Mobile apps are also available via your devices app store.



Free Google GSuite

Google apps for education


Access to Google Apps for education. such as Google Classroom, File storage on Google Drive and more.   Apps for Mobile devices are also available via your devices app store

Students log in with their student account [username@education.nsw.gov.au]. or via their student portal.

[Student Portal->Learning-> GSuite) 

Chromebooks have immediate access to Gsuite when students use their student  account, [username@education.nsw.gov.au].


Online tools for Creativity

Online tools for Creativity

Online tools for Creativity

List of online only software tools. Ideal for chromebooks, or any internet device.