Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488


Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing Team

All members of the Wellbeing Team are here to support our students throughout their journey at Warners Bay High School. The 2023 Wellbeing Team comprises:

Deputy Principals

Ms Fletcher - Years 7 and 10

Mr Husband - Years 8 and 11

Ms Lawler - Years 9 and 12

Head Teachers Wellbeing 

Ms Cummins - Years 7, 8, 9

Ms Riley - Years 10, 11, 12

Student Support Officers

Ms Smith

Mr Greive

Year Advisers

Year 7 - Ms Crowe and Mr Rosser

Year 8 - Ms Wilk and Mr Lloyd

Year 9 - Mr Forbes and Ms Somerville

Year 10 - Ms Lewis and Ms Ling

Year 11 - Ms Cummins and Mr Bruce

Year 12 - Ms Husband and Mr Burton

School Counsellors

Mr Harrison - Mon, Tues, Wed

Ms Tudball - Wed, Thurs, Fri

Student Health Care

A reminder to notify the school about your child’s health care needs.

We welcome information from parents about your child’s health, even if you are not requesting specific support from our school. Information about allergies, medical conditions such as asthma and diabetes and other health care related issues should be provided to the school by parents.

It is also important that you let us know if your child’s health care needs change or if a new health condition develops. Please make sure you notify our office staff of any changes to your contact details or the contact details of other people nominated as emergency contacts.