Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488


Ways We Communicate

Is your email address up to date? Has it changed recently?

The correct email address is essential for many of the ways we communicate (not just for email communication). Please contact the school to advise us if your email address changes. 

Need help with the tech?

Please contact the school - we can help! 

Primary ways we communicate 



















Sentral Parent Portal

Once logged in, you can switch between the different formats of Portal v1 or v2 (see top RH corner).

  • Assessment Task calendar (AT)
  • Events Calendar (VOR)
  • Daily Notices
  • Timetable
  • Attendance records
  • Semester reports 
  • NAPLAN results
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews bookings
  • Commendations
  • Submit student absence 

Sentral Parent App

Download from your app store

 WBHS website

A wealth of general school information including assessment schedules, downloadable forms, policies, Bay Bulletin newsletters, latest school news, achievements, canteen, uniform, subject selection, bell times, make a payment and tech support.


We really value talking with parents and carers on the phone or in person. Phone: 49549488



The school’s termly newsletter, the Bay Bulletin, is emailed to families and also available on the website.

 School Bytes

  • For subject contributions, excursion/sport permission notes and payments

  • Access Payments on the website or via the link in emails sent by the school

Attendance SMS

Parents/carers will receive a text around 11am if their child is not at school and the school has not yet received an explanation from the parent/carer.


N Award warnings; letter of concern about your child’s progress, attendance, behaviour. The school may also email these letters.


Google Classroom

Primarily for students but parents/carers can gain access to some aspects of Google Classroom (GC). You can configure how often you would like to receive a GC update report (if at all). Request access by emailing the school or one of your child’s teachers (this email must match school records). Access to one of your child’s GC will enable access to all.


Our learning management system across Years 7-12.


Good news stories, reminders. Essential or critical information is not usually communicated on Facebook only.