Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488



"Learn Locally. Communicate Globally."

Language study allows students to develop communication skills, learn about languages as systems and explore the relationship between language and culture. Students engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of societies and reflect on their understanding of social interactions.


  • become open minded global citizens
  • fall in love with foreign languages and cultures
  • develop intercultural communication skills
  • make projects and videos that have a connection with the real world in the chosen languages.

Useful Links

Enrichment Programs

  • Japan Homestay: Every year, 20 students from Suginami Gakuin come to stay with Australian families for two weeks and share their culture with their Australian hosts. 

  • National French Competition: The Language Perfect Competition Winners at our school often reach Elite level and are awarded voucher prizes. Language Perfect send official certificates for all students who participated significantly.

  • French Film Festival & Film Competition: Several short French film entries are submitted to the Annual Hunter Languages Film Competition. Prizes are awarded in multiple categories.
  • Taiko Drumming Experience and Martial Arts Incursions: EZ Japanese offers a Japanese Taiko Drumming Workshop for all Japanese classes. The cultural mindset behind the practice is explained, along with stance and stamina of this Japanese Tradition. Students are offered the unique chance to drum on very unique, traditional drums which were imported from Japan and work together to create a multi-faceted folklore tune. The Martial Arts Incursion is experienced by Year 8 Japanese classes in which they learn the discipline, obedience and mindfulness that accompanies this popular tradition.
  • Cultural Food Days enable students to expand their horizons, get out of their comfort zones and order food in a foreign language, tasting authentic cuisine flavours. This includes trying Crepe, ‘pain au chocolat’, ‘croissant’ and ‘grenadine’. Students learn how to order food in French at the counter to prepare them for future travel experiences. Japanese students are in charge of bringing ingredients and cooking Yakisoba, ‘Temakizushi’ and KatsuKuri.

Our Team

  • Ms Cotton HEAD TEACHER
  • Ms Poole
  • Mr Edman


  • The opportunity to host French or Japanese students
  • Cultural Food Incursions
  • Film Festivals
  • Penpals, sister schools and exchange programs
  • Language Perfect Annual Competition
  • Speaking Clubs


Y7 & Y8

  • Y7: Japanese and/or French
  • Y8: Japanese and French electives

Y9 & Y10

  • Japanese and French electives

Y11 & Y12

  • Japanese Continuers, French Continuers