Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488



Warners Bay High School has a strong tradition of using a range of technology in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning. Please see links below for more information.




Free Wifi

Free Software

DoE Student Portal

Digital Citizenship

Advice for Leavers

wifi byod

Connecting to the Wifi

While at school, students can join the DETNSW wifi network and authenticate with their username@detnsw and password.  

Then visit the webpage http://detnsw.net/ to authorise your session.  Bookmark this webpage for quick access.   Wifi is available for all internet capable devices.

Printing for Students

After arriving at Warners Bay High, students will receive a Papercut welcome email. Students can use the library's printer/photocopier/scanner with their username and password. Students are entitled to 30 free prints. To add value to their account, printing top-up cards can be purchased from the office.

Highlights of the schools technology program include
  • 1 full-Time computer technician and Technology Help-Desk
  • 3 computer labs along with multiple mini-labs and Library computers.
  • Data-Projectors in almost all rooms.
  • Online Learning delivery through Canvas and Google Classroom
  • Online roll-marking and attendance management.
  • SMS absence alerts and Sentral Portal access for Parents/Caregivers
  • Future focused learning space with two Virtual Reality systems and 30 Handheld VR devices for use in classrooms.
  • Greenscreen, Llghtboard and 3D printing.
  • A range of classroom resources including Lego Mindstorm robotics, Makeys and programmable AirBlock Drones