2023 HSC Achievements
ATAR Dux: Rose P., ATAR 92.95
Two students were selected for ARTEXPRESS – Lachlan B. and Jayden P.
Four students were selected for First Class – Archie B., Airlie B., Tylah B. and Sophie C.
Three students nominated for Shape (InTech) – Luke B., Michael N. and Luca S.
Achievements in Band 6, E4 and notional Band 6: 30
Achievements in Band 5 and E3: 205
Overall achievements above State average in 16 courses
Achievements above State average for Band 6 in Community and Family Studies, Legal Studies, Music 1, Visual Arts
Achievements above State average for Band 5 and Band 6 in Business Studies, Community and Family Studies, English Extension 1, English Extension 2, Food Technology, History Extension, Industrial Technology, Legal Studies, Mathematics Standard 1, Music 1, PDHPE, Society and Culture, Visual Arts
Distinguished Achievers List
List of students who have achieved Band 6 (a mark of 90 or more) or Band E4 in Extension courses.

Year 12 Post School Destinations 2023
The class of 2023 included 154 students completing their Year 12 studies.
The following observations were noted:
- 65% of students are enrolled to study at university in 2024.
- 72% of students are gaining further qualifications through either university study, completing vocational education and training (VET), or through starting an apprenticeship/traineeship.
- 90% of university bound students have chosen to study at the University of Newcastle.
- 5% of students have been successful in gaining an apprenticeship or traineeship.
- 2% of students are looking for employment.
- 2% of students have enrolled in TAFE to complete vocational education and training.
- 10% of students are taking a structured Gap year.
- 10 % of students were unable to be contacted.
- 77% of our HSC ATAR eligible students were offered a place at university.
Of our university bound students, approximately:
- 34% are enrolled in Health and Medical courses. (Inc. Psychology)
- 14% have enrolled in Science and Environmental Science courses.
- 16% have been accepted into Engineering degrees.
- 11% have enrolled in Education degrees.
- 6% are studying in Creative fields such as Music, Architecture, Animation, Design, Visual Communication or Film.
- 5% have been accepted into Law.
- 5% are pursuing a degree in the field of Arts or Humanities.
- 2% are undertaking degrees in Economics or Business.
- 4% are pursuing a degree in Sports and Exercise Science.
- 2% have enrolled in Open Foundation at the University of Newcastle.
- 1% are studying Computer Science.
- 10% of students have chosen to study at a university other than the University of Newcastle.
2023 Cohort Career Pathways | Approx. % |
University | 65% |
Apprenticeships and Traineeships | 5% |
TAFE or RTO | 2% |
Full-time/ Part-Time work | 12% |
Gap year (includes 6% of university bound students) * | 10% |
Looking for work | 2% |
Unable to contact | 10% |
*Gap Year is defined as a year in which students have been accepted into a university degree or plan to start an apprenticeship/traineeship in 2025 but choose to spend 2024:
- in employment
- gaining VET qualifications and/or micro credentials
- travelling
The following statistics are out of 130 ATAR eligible students.
(154 Year 12 students less 24 non-ATAR eligible students = 130 ATAR students)
ATAR Bands | % /130 | WBHS 2023 Cohort |
90-99.95 | 4 |
50% |
80-89.95 | 18 | |
70-79.95 | 28 | |
2023 NSW Median ATAR = 71.05 | NSW Median ATAR | |
60-69.95 | 17 |
50% |
Below 60 |
33 |
Not eligible for ATAR – 24 students (Roughly 16 % of total cohort)
This data was gathered using UAC data and some students were contacted by telephone. When contact could not be made, or students did not offer their ATAR we used UAC’s ATAR calculator. When cross checked for accuracy against known ATARs, the calculator was often within 0.5 but occasionally it had a discrepancy of no more than 2 ATAR points.
Significant observations noted from previous years:
- Undergraduate degrees in Health, Science and Engineering continue to be the most popular amongst WBHS students.
- This year 60% of all university bound students chose to study either Health, Science or Engineering. This has increased by 10% from the previous year.
- The number of students choosing to study an Engineering degree has doubled from the previous year.
- The number of students choosing to take a Gap Year has doubled. Many students we spoke with who were taking a Gap year were working at least 30 hours a week. Many had enrolled in TAFE courses or other short courses to gain further qualifications and training. Many of these students are planning to enrol in programs at university or TAFE once they gain a better understanding of workplace issues and scope the employment landscape.
- Many students, parents and carers praised the quality of teaching and support at WBHS and thanked the teaching staff for their assistance.