2021 HSC Achievements
- Dux: Mikayla H. - ATAR 96.6.
- Two students were nominated for ARTEXPRESS and one student was nominated for Encore.
- Six students were nominated and selected for First Class 21– Sienna C., Jodi F., Ella M., Rivvah H., Larry Q. and Delany C.
- Achievements in Band 6, E4 and notional Band 6: 34.
- Achievements in Band 5 and E3: 172.
- Overall achievements above State average in 11 courses.
Top Achiever
Samantha C. achieved in the top 10 students in the HSC for Design and Technology.
Year 12 Post School Destinations 2021
The class of 2021 comprised 143 students completing their Year 12 studies.
- 57% of students are enrolled to study at university in 2022.
- 72% of students are gaining further qualifications through either university study, completing vocational education and training (VET), or through starting an apprenticeship/traineeship.
- 84% of university bound students have chosen to study at the University of Newcastle.
- 11% of students have been successful in gaining an apprenticeship or traineeship.
- 4% of students are looking for work.
- 6% of students are taking a structured Gap Year.
- 4% of students have enrolled in TAFE to complete vocational education and training.
- 18% of students were successful in gaining full-time employment.
- 10 % of students were unable to be contacted.
Of our university-bound students:
- Highest ATAR: 96.6
- 32% of students are enrolled in Science, Health and Medical Services. (including Psychology)
- 15% of students are pursuing a degree in the field of Arts, Communication or International Studies.
- 12% of students have been offered Education degrees.
- 10% of students have enrolled in Engineering degrees.
- 7% of students are undertaking degrees in Economics, Business or Commerce.
- 5% of students have been accepted in Criminology.
- 5% are studying Law.
- 4% of students are studying in Creative fields such as Music, Architecture, Animation, Design, Visual Communication or Film.
- 2% of students have chosen a degree in Information Technology or Computer Science
- 2% are pursuing a degree in Sports and Exercise Science.
- 6% of students have enrolled in Open Foundation at the University of Newcastle.
- 16% of students have chosen to study at a university other than the University of Newcastle.
2021 Cohort Career Pathways
University | 57% |
Apprenticeships and Traineeships | 11% |
TAFE or RTO | 4% |
Full-time/ Part-Time work | 8% |
Gap year (includes casual work and /or TAFE)* | 6% |
Looking for work | 4% |
Unable to contact | 10% |
*A Gap Year is defined as a year in which students plan to start a university degree or VET qualification in 2023 but choose to spend 2022 gaining workplace skills and/or VET qualifications and/or micro credentials.
124 ATAR-eligible students. Highest ATAR: 96.6
(143 Year 12 students less 19 non ATAR eligible students = 124 ATAR students)
ATAR Bands | %/124 |
90 - 99.95 | 7.3 |
89 - 89.99 | 14.5 |
70 - 79.99 | 18.5 |
60 - 69.99 | 20.9 |
- Undergraduate degrees in Science, Health and Medical Services continue to be the most popular amongst WBHS university students.
- The number of students choosing to study at a university other than the University of Newcastle has quadrupled (16%) over the past two years.
- We have continued to see an increase in the number of students successfully gaining an apprenticeship or traineeship. This figure has more than doubled over the past four years.
- More students are choosing to take a structured Gap year. Many students we spoke with who were taking a Gap year were working at least 30 hours a week. Many had enrolled in TAFE courses or other short courses to gain further qualifications and training. Most of these students are planning to enrol in programs at university or TAFE once they gain a better understanding of workplace issues and scope the employment landscape.
- Not eligible for an ATAR - approximately 13 % of total cohort.
- Many students, parents and carers praised the quality of teaching and support at WBHS and thanked the teaching staff for their assistance.