Warners Bay HS had a very successful year with all major programs able to operate in modified forms despite the unsettled year.
Achievements 2020: Secondary Studies
Transition into Year 7
Students started the year by making good use of the dedicated Year 7 playground area. Peer Support ensured students were able to build friendships and navigate the different routines of high school successfully.
Year 5 students from our partner primary schools were unable to visit for Year 7 for a Day; however, Orientation Day did take place in Term Four. While social distancing requirements led to a modified program being delivered, students were still well-prepared for 2021. The Year Advisors for Year 7 2021 initiated a new transition morning in Term Four so students who weren’t from partner primary schools could become familiar with the school the week before Orientation Day.
Brain Food Program
Delivered in Term Four to assist Year 7 students to prepare for their Yearly Examinations, the Brain Food program empowers students by learning how to learn more effectively. Sessions included:
- Benefitting from having a Growth Mindset
- Developing study skills
- Effective organisation and time management
- Making the most of the “Learning Pit” challenge
- Managing stress and anxiety
- Metacognition and different ways of learning
Visible Learning Expo
Year 8 benefitted from the Visible Learning Expo (VLE) in Week 5 of Term Four. Every student was part of a round table discussion with three Year 8 students, a teacher and two Year 7 students. Students developed confidence in speaking in formal situations as they explained how their learning had progressed throughout the year. Explicit reflection activities were undertaken and success with goal setting was clearly evident as every student had the opportunity to participate in this process.
Life Ready
Year 11 students commenced the 25 hour mandatory Life Ready course. Focus Area topics aim to prepare students for life after school and range from road safety through to managing finances. A blend of face-to-face and four online modules were used to deliver this course. Students valued the two BBQs which took place at lunch time to celebrate their successful engagement with the course. “Rise to the Challenge” took place in the first week of Term Four, delivering some Life Ready content along with additional activities to develop the skills required to be successful HSC students.
National Minimum Standards
All Year 10 students participated in testing for NMS with small groups receiving support throughout the year to improve their literacy and numeracy. Year 12 students who had not yet satisfied the Reading, Writing or Numeracy requirements were supported by Learning and Support Teachers so that all reached the minimum standard prior to completing the HSC.
Session 5 while Learning from Home
Voluntary activities were run as “Session 5” after scheduled lessons each day while students were learning from home. A range of staff members including Year Advisors, School Counsellors and Head Teachers delivered activities to help students remain connected with the school community and/or accessing support until they were able to return to school.
Zoom Parent Information Sessions
Online video conferencing took place for parent information sessions for Year 6 parents and also provided information about the Year 8 Visible Learning Expo. Surveys completed by parents showed most preferred the convenience of being able to attend shorter, specific sessions of about 30 minutes duration such as the VLE parent information session.