2022 Highlights
The return to full-time face-to-face teaching and learning
2022 saw a welcome return to full-time face-to-face teaching and learning at Warners Bay High School for more than 1300 students and 100 teachers. While our teachers demonstrated innovation and agility in the online learning environment in 2020 and 2021, they welcomed the opportunity to re-engage directly with their students. Incredible feats were performed regularly by our Head Teacher Administration to ensure that classes were covered as COVID-19 continued to impact staff and students, and our dedicated teachers continued to post work in their Google Classrooms to ensure continuity of learning.
Senior Study
Throughout 2022, WBHS provided learning support to our Stage 6 students through our Senior Study. Students engaged with a structured study skills program, completed independent study, worked on assessment tasks, and participated in collaborative learning activities in a safe and supportive learning environment. Our Careers Adviser provided support and advice on tertiary education opportunities, post-school pathways and preparation for the workforce. Tutorials and individualised mentoring sessions were conducted, and our Senior students availed themselves of a diverse range of resources carefully curated by our Teacher Librarian.
Excellent HSC Results
In a year free from significant COVID-19 disruptions for the first time in three years, 143 Year 12 students presented for the Higher School Certificate. Our students achieved 63 Band 6/E4 results and 205 Band 5/E3 results across thirty courses. Thirty-seven (37) students were recognised as Distinguished Achievers, and one (1) student was placed on the HSC All-round Achievers Merit List for having achieved the highest band in ten units of courses.
The work of our students was chosen for a variety of HSC showcases and exhibitions including ARTEXPRESS and First Class (Visual Arts). Further details are provided elsewhere on this website.
Outstanding Commitment to Professional Learning
Throughout 2022, WBHS teachers and support staff engaged in a range of professional learning activities to deepen their professional knowledge, enhance professional practice, and ensure that they continue to provide a quality education for all of our students. Courses addressing such diverse issues as future focused learning, explicit teaching, differentiation, assessment and reporting, student wellbeing, literacy, numeracy, and leadership were completed, and concepts incorporated into practice. While the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions saw a return to the face-to-face delivery of professional learning, online courses continued to offer staff flexibility and enhanced opportunities for professional development.
Within each faculty staff made use of their considerable expertise to collaboratively develop quality teaching and learning programs and experiences for our students.
Accreditation of WBHS Teachers
During 2022, 54 teachers across ten (10) faculties formally maintained their Proficient Teacher accreditation status, demonstrating that their teaching practice continues to meet the requirements of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
Four of our Early Career Teachers successfully attained accreditation from the NSW Education Standards Authority as Proficient Teachers. They were ably supported throughout the year by supervisors and colleagues who provided ongoing mentoring, coaching and targeted professional learning.
Professional Experience Placements for Teacher Education Students
During 2022, Warners Bay High School teachers demonstrated their ongoing commitment to the future of public education by providing mentoring support and guidance to 24 teacher education students from the University of Newcastle. Twenty (20) of these pre-service teachers were enrolled in Undergraduate Programs and four in Post-graduate studies. In addition to the targeted mentoring provided by Supervising Teachers, tutorials and masterclasses were delivered by members of our teaching staff and Executive who gave generously of their time and expertise.
Professional Experience Hub School Program
Warners Bay High School’s partnership with the University of Newcastle in the Department of Education Professional Experience Hub School Program continued to flourish in 2022. Moving into Phase Two of this program, this team developed and conducted professional learning opportunities for School Co-ordinators from fifteen Hunter schools and produced a range of support materials for School Co-ordinators and Supervising Teachers. Work commenced on the development of an Induction Package for tertiary education students completing their professional experience placements in Support Units, and support materials for Conditionally Accredited teachers working during their final year of study are currently in development.
The PEX Hub also contributed two research-based Case Studies to Work-Integrated Case Studies in Teacher Education, an academic text that was published in November 2022.
High Potential and Gifted Education
Throughout 2022 a range of opportunities for enrichment and extension was offered to the students of WBHS across the intellectual, creative, social-emotional, and physical domains of potential. Targeted differentiation was implemented by teachers in all classrooms, Year 7 students were introduced to project-based learning; and 58 Stage 4 students engaged successfully with the EEE program. Numerous co-curricular and extracurricular performance opportunities were created for our students by our Creative and Performing Arts faculty, who also facilitated the development and implementation of engaging HPGE initiatives for students from our partner primary schools. Leadership opportunities were provided within the Student Executive, Student Representative Council, Environmental Representative Council, and various sporting teams. Our Debating Teams represented the school admirably and our Chess team ranked fifth in the State. Many of our students represented our school and region with distinction in the sporting arena, with some achieving both State and National success. (These achievements are addressed in greater detail on the CAPA and PDHPE Achievement pages.)