2022 Highlights
Improved VALID 8 and VALID 10 results
The VALID program provides end-of-stage assessments for the Science Key Learning Area. Year 8 students achieved an overall scaled score of 90.67, which was 2.89 above the state average and 2.02 above the SSG. This represents a continued improvement since 2018. 74.8% of students achieved an achievement level of 4 or above. This was 12.9% above state average and 8.6% above SSG. Year 10 students achieved an overall scaled score of 94.41, which was 1.48 above the state average. This represents an increase of 7.11 compared to 2018. 81.2% of students scored an achievement level of 4 or above. This was 6.7% above the state average and 1.6% above SSG. No students achieved at level 2 or below.
Science and Engineering Challenge
Twenty nine Year 10 Science students competed in the annual Science and Engineering Challenge. This competition enabled students to demonstrate their teamwork, problem-solving, creativity, lateral thinking and collaboration skills to design and construct STEM activities including a bridge, mars buggy, bionic hand and turbine. The students finished second overall on the day and set this year's record in the Tower Building competition!
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Another group of excellent Year 12 students work their way through the Duke of Edinburgh's Award this year. Students helped replant some native vegetation around the school, learned new languages and enjoyed adventures in the great outdoors while completing their overnight bushwalks.
Earth and Environmental Field Trip
Year 11 Earth and Environmental Science students attended a field trip across Newcastle sites to examine the geology, soils and impacts of landscape on hydrology and the formation of soils. Students conducted soil tests and observations of flora and fauna, examining the impact of soil forming processes such as parent material, slope and aspect. Students also examined rock formations and rock sequences, and the geological history of each formation, including the breakup of Australia and Zealandia which led to the formation of Australia's east coast.
The Power of Engineering
Year 10 Physics students for 2023 had the opportunity to attend an industry workshop at Maitland Grossman High School about “The Power of Engineering”. Students participated in hands-on activities run by University of Newcastle staff and then attended a site visit with AMPControl.
Earth and Environmental Excursion to Dorrigo
Year 12 Earth and Environmental Science students participated in an excursion to Dorrigo. They attended a lecture given by National Parks and Wildlife staff on the geological history of Australia, it's separation from the supercontinent Gondwana, and how that has impacted flora and fauna. The students then walked through the rainforest and observed the changes and features of the environment. It was fascinating to see and hear about the evolution of the rainforest, especially the evolution of song birds.
Year 11 Biology Excursion to Awabakal
Year 11 Biology students participated in a field trip to the Awabakal Environmental Education Centre at Glenrock. They engaged in mandatory first-hand investigations involving the collection of ecological data by sampling abiotic factors and analysing quadrats samples.
Year 12 students Chemistry Excursion
Year 12 Chemistry students attended an excursion to Orica Ammonium Nitrate plant to increase their understanding of the role chemistry plays in large industries. They were provided with a tour of the plant that showed the scale of the operation and students were surprised at how reliant we are on some of the products produced at the site. Staff from Orica were present to answer questions and explain the link between the plant and industrial chemistry.
Year 11 Chemistry Excursion
Year 11 Chemistry students attended an excursion to ANSTO (Australia's Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation). This excursion allowed students to obtain a first-hand experience of the workings of a nuclear reactor designed to produce radioisotopes for use in medicine and industry. The students were provided with valuable information about the range of radioisotopes produced by ANSTO and the various medical and industrial uses of these radioisotopes. The students were given a guided tour of the site, allowing them to get a first-hand look at the OPAL nuclear reactor, the three particle accelerators and the numerous neutron beam experiment stations. During the tour they were provided with information about the many applications of these nuclear devices and the types of industries and occupations that are reliant upon the work carried out at ANSTO.
Excellent HSC Results
Students from Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Investigating Science achieved Band 6 results in their HSC Examinations. A culmination for these students of years of hard work in Science at WBHS. Many other students achieved results of which they should be proud, with many getting early offers into their chosen university courses from Physiotherapy and Radiography to Engineering. It is always pleasing to see students carry their love of Science into their future careers.