2024 Highlights
HSC Achievements
One hundred and forty-seven (147) students from Warners Bay High School presented for the Higher School Certificate (HSC) examinations in 2024, across 26 courses. The cohort demonstrated strong achievements, with 49 Band 6/E4 results (scores of 90 or above) and 187 Band 5/E3 results (scores between 80 and 89). Forty-nine (49) students were named on the prestigious Distinguished Achievers List for their outstanding performances in various subjects.
Among the highlights of this cohort's achievements, were thirteen (13) nominations for exemplary performances and major projects in several subjects: three (3) nominations in Music, two (2) in Textiles Technology, one (1) in Drama, two (2) in Visual Arts, and five (5) in Industrial Technology. These nominations recognise the dedication and skill displayed by these students in their respective fields.
Notably, one of our students achieved seventh place in the state for Music 1, an outstanding accomplishment that demonstrates the exceptional talent within this cohort. Eight students achieved an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 90 or above, further emphasising the academic strength of this group.
The school takes great pride in the collective efforts of both students and staff who continue to drive success across a diverse range of disciplines. Further details of these accomplishments can be found in our subject-specific reports.
Senior Study
Throughout 2024, Warners Bay High School continued to provide considerable support to students in Years 11 and 12 through our Senior Study program, designed to assist in the preparation for both school-based assessments and the Higher School Certificate (HSC) examinations. Under the guidance of our dedicated Senior Study Co-ordinator, this program ensured that students had the necessary tools and resources to succeed academically and manage the pressures of senior schooling.
The program included a structured study skills initiative, which encouraged students to engage in focused homework, assessment task preparation and private study. This program helped to foster the development of independent work habits, ensuring that students were well-prepared for both their examinations and the transition to tertiary education or employment.
A significant feature of the Senior Study program was the provision of tutorials and individualised mentoring sessions. Subject specialists volunteered their time to conduct these sessions, offering students tailored guidance on specific academic issues. These one-on-one and small group mentoring opportunities ensured that students received targeted support to maximise their potential and manage their wellbeing. The mentoring program was evaluated progressively and further refined to ensure it continued to meet the needs of individual students.
Our Teacher Librarian played a crucial role in supporting students by curating a wide range of digital and print-based resources. These resources were aligned with course content, ensuring students had access to high-quality academic materials. The Teacher Librarian also provided guidance on how these resources might be used to maximum effect, helping students enhance their study efforts and research skills.
Our Careers Adviser also played a key role in the Senior Study program, offering counselling to help students explore various tertiary education opportunities, apprenticeships and career pathways. This service supported students in making informed decisions about their future, ensuring that they had a clear vision for their post-school journey and a successful transition into the workforce or further education.
Through these targeted activities, the Senior Study program at Warners Bay High School provided a comprehensive and supportive learning environment for senior students, empowering them to achieve to the best of their ability in the HSC and beyond.
Professional learning
In 2024, Warners Bay High School provided targeted professional learning opportunities for teachers, leaders and non-teaching staff to support their ongoing development and improve student outcomes. These professional learning activities were aligned with the school’s priorities and the Performance and Development Framework for NSW Public Schools. Staff engaged in a continuous cycle of professional learning, focused on enhancing their skills and ensuring effective teaching practices.
Key professional learning initiatives included enhancing staff proficiency in teaching literacy and numeracy skills, implementing high-leverage classroom strategies, and adopting explicit, differentiated teaching methods. Emphasis was placed on fostering positive learning environments, supporting student wellbeing and developing leadership capabilities. Staff received training in Canvas, the school’s new learning management system, and strategies to better support high-potential and gifted students.
A variety of professional learning activities conducted throughout the year, such as six School Development Days that focused on teaching strategies, student engagement and wellbeing. Teachers also participated in subject-specific professional learning, curriculum reform workshops and cross-faculty programs to support early career teachers. Leadership development programs and specialised training in VET and sports co-ordination further enhanced the capacity of staff in their respective roles. These initiatives helped ensure that all staff were equipped to foster a positive and productive learning environment for all students.
Professional Secondments
Throughout 2024, four of our staff members continued their secondments to key positions in the NSW Department of Education, making valuable contributions to the broader educational community. Ms Lisa Curran served as a Curriculum Advisor for HSC Strategy in Biology, providing expert guidance on curriculum development and supporting best practices for HSC delivery in this subject. Ms Keira Hibbert continued the role of Curriculum Advisor for Modern History, assisting in the development of strategies to enhance the teaching and learning of this key subject. Ms Rachel Noonan continued in her role as an Advisor for HSC Action Learning, working closely with schools to implement effective teaching and learning practices to improve student outcomes, and Ms Alison Corliss continued her secondment as a Capability Building Advisor for Teacher Quality and Impact, focusing on building the skills and effectiveness of teachers across the region to improve educational outcomes. Their ongoing contributions in these roles reflect the high level of expertise within our school. We look forward to them returning to Warners Bay High in 2025.
High Potential and Gifted Education
In 2024, Warners Bay High School continued to provide a broad range of opportunities for High Potential and Gifted students across the four domains: intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical. In the intellectual domain, the Enrichment, Extension and Engagement (EEE) Program for Years 7 and 8 student provided differentiated learning opportunities to stimulate the intellectual growth. Students were able to access advanced classes in Mathematics, English, Science, History and Geography in Years 9 and 10. Students participated in external competitions such as the UNSW School Mathematics Competition, public speaking events, debating and the UON Engineering Challenge, which further challenged and extended their academic skills.
To foster growth in the creative, social-emotional and physical domains, the school offered a variety of tailored programs and activities. In the creative domain, students participated in extracurricular ensembles, drama productions, MAP Mima and visual arts exhibitions, with opportunities to perform in MAD nights and showcase HSC major works. The school also organised enrichment days for primary students in visual arts, offering them specialised workshops and exposure to creative opportunities. For social-emotional development, leadership opportunities were available through the Student Representative Council, Senior Student Executive and community service projects, along with mentoring and wellbeing support. In the physical domain, students had access to a wide range of sporting activities, experiencing success in zone, regional and state competitions and earning representative honours in a variety of sports. See our Sporting Achievements report for further details.

Accreditation of WBHS teachers – Proficient and HALT
During 2024, two of our Early Career Teachers successfully attained accreditation from the NSW Education Standards Authority as Proficient Teachers. Over the past two years they have received strong support from supervisors, mentors and colleagues, who guided them in their professional development. With targeted professional learning opportunities and regular feedback, these teachers were able to refine their skills and gain the confidence needed to excel in the classroom. This achievement is a testament to their dedication and the ongoing commitment of our school to nurturing the growth of new educators.
Ten experienced teachers at Warners Bay High School commenced preparations for their applications for Highly Accomplished Teacher status from the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). These teachers worked diligently to demonstrate their expertise, leadership and impact on student learning across their respective subjects. The application process involved showcasing their teaching practice, including evidence of their ability to design and implement effective learning strategies, support colleagues and contribute to the broader school community.
The pursuit of Highly Accomplished Teacher status was an important step for both the teachers and the school. It highlighted their commitment to continuous improvement and the recognition of the significant contributions these educators made to the learning environment at Warners Bay High School. By engaging in this process, these teachers not only enhanced their own professional growth but also served as role models for their colleagues, promoting a culture of excellence within the school. Their efforts benefited our students by ensuring they were taught by highly skilled and motivated educators.
In addition, two members of staff at Warners Bay High School were certified as Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) Assessors. This certification enabled them to assess the applications of other teachers seeking to attain Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher status. Their expertise proved invaluable in ensuring the process was rigorous and equitable. As certified assessors, they contributed to the development of the teaching profession, helping to maintain high standards and foster a culture of excellence within the school and the broader education community.
Professional Experience (PEX) Hub Program
Over the past 10 years, our school has been a strong and active participant in the statewide Professional Experience (PEX) Hub Program, which was designed to enhance the preparation of future teachers through a collaborative and high-quality approach. Through our involvement, we have had a positive impact on both our school and the broader education community.
Development of a Strong and Enduring Community of Schools
We have cultivated a network of schools that is focused on providing consistent, high-quality professional experiences for all preservice teachers, supervising teachers and initial teacher education providers. This community has become a central support system, ensuring that each stakeholder benefits from shared responsibility and collective learning.
Strong Partnership with the University of Newcastle
A cornerstone of our success has been the development of a strong, mutually respectful partnership with the University of Newcastle. This collaboration has enabled us to influence teacher preparation programs, ensuring that they are both relevant and responsive to the needs of preservice teachers and the schools that host them.
Advocacy for Collaborative Teacher Preparation
We have taken the lead in educating others about the importance of a collaborative approach to teacher preparation. By advocating for professional experience as a shared responsibility, we have helped to promote the mindset that teaching is a joint effort, benefiting not only future teachers but also schools and the broader education system.
Creation of High-Quality Multi-Media Resources
Working collaboratively, we have developed and implemented a range of high-quality multi-media resources that support preservice teachers, supervising teachers and school coordinators. These resources have proven invaluable in enhancing the effectiveness of professional experiences and providing ongoing support for all involved.
Contributions to School-Based Research
Our school has made significant contributions to school-based research that has informed innovation in professional experience. Through these research initiatives, we have generated insights that have shaped the way professional experience is approached, ensuring that it evolves to meet the changing needs of the education landscape.
Statewide Contributions to PEX Initiatives
We have played an active role in contributing to the development of statewide PEX initiatives, sharing our knowledge, insights and experiences to help strengthen the quality of professional experiences across the state. Our involvement has had a lasting impact on the overall framework for professional teacher preparation.
Induction Package for Special and Inclusive Education Preservice Teachers
One of our key initiatives involved the development and piloting of Induction Package materials specifically designed for Special and Inclusive Education preservice teachers. This initiative was conducted alongside an iterative research project led by our university partners, aimed at enriching the preparation and support mechanisms for preservice teachers in developing expertise and understanding of Special and Inclusive Education in both specialised and mainstream settings.
I would also like to acknowledge the long-term commitment and leadership of Mr. Neil Best, Ms. Haylee Cummins and Ms. Nicole Young, whose dedication and hard work have been critical to the success of this program. After 10 years of guiding the Professional Experience (PEX) Hub Program, we are now transitioning away from our leadership role. While this marks the end of our direct involvement, we are proud of the contributions we have made and confident that the foundations we have built will continue to support the development of future teachers for years to come.
Professional Experience Placements for Teacher Education Students
In 2024, teachers at Warners Bay High School provided quality support and guidance to 31 preservice teachers from the University of Newcastle, the University of New England, Avondale College University and Alphacrucis College across all Key Learning Areas. These preservice teachers ranged from students in their first placements to interns in their final placements, with each group receiving tailored support suited to their level of experience. Throughout their placements, our experienced staff mentored the students, offering valuable insights into effective teaching practices, classroom management and curriculum delivery. This hands-on experience allowed the preservice teachers to develop their skills in a real-world school environment, gaining practical knowledge of how to create engaging and inclusive learning experiences for students.
Our teachers worked closely with the preservice teachers to foster their professional growth, providing guidance, feedback and support at every stage of their placements. Final placement students were given greater responsibilities to build their confidence and expertise as independent educators, while students in their first placements were supported in developing the foundational skills. This collaborative approach ensured that all preservice teachers gained the skills and confidence required to experience success in their teaching careers.