WBHS has three specialist support classes:
- 2 Autism classes
- 1 Multi-categorical classes
Autism Support Class – for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The class has a maximum enrolment of 7 students per class.
Multi-categorical Support Class - for students who have similar moderate to high support needs. Students may have one or more disability type, including: autism, emotional disturbance, moderate to severe intellectual disability or physical disability. The class has a maximum of 7 students.
Each support class is supported by one Special Education trained teacher and a School Learning Support Officer.
Each Support Class offers a number of subjects, with both regular and Life Skills outcomes, to cater for the wide range of skills and abilities of students in our classes.
Personalised Learning
Each student has a Personalised Learning and Support Plan that is student-centred and focuses on goal setting across various domains. Personalised Learning and Support Plans are developed through collaborative curriculum planning meetings with students, parents/carers, school counsellors and other allied professionals. Student plans and goals are then embedded into our programs and teaching, both in and out of the classroom.