Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488


English / Drama

The aim of English in Years 7 – 10 is to enable students to understand and use language effectively, appreciate, reflect on and enjoy the English language and to make meaning in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive, critical and powerful.

... The fool doth think he is  wise, but the wise man knows himself to be be a fool ... William Shakespeare

Our experienced team of educators employ a range of traditional pedagogies and future focused learning styles to embed the interrelated strands of language, literature and literacy. Teaching and learning programs balance and integrate all three strands. Together, the strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. Learning in English builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers will revisit and strengthen these as needed.

Students in English are placed into classes based on their results from the previous year and in consultation with their previous teachers. In Year 9 and 20 the top 30 students in each line are placed across the two ONE classes (ENB1 and ENG1). The next four classes on B line (ENB2, 9EN3, 9ENB4 and 9ENB5) and three classes on G line (9ENG2, 9ENG3 and 9ENG4) are mixed ability classes. These mixed ability classes are also formed in consultation with their previous English teachers. There is no difference between these classes. For example, 9ENB4 is just the way the computer names classes - it does not reflect that this is the 4th top or 2nd bottom English class, etc. 

Our faculty offers courses in Extension One and Two English, Advanced English, Standard English, English Studies, HSC Drama as well as English and Drama Years 7-10.

Our Drama courses enable young people to develop knowledge, understanding and skills individually and collaboratively to make, perform and appreciate dramatic and theatrical works. Students take on roles as a means of exploring both familiar and unfamiliar aspects of their world while exploring the ways people react and respond to different situations, issues and ideas.

Our senior course provides students with the opportunity to engage in collaborative and individual experiences to develop skills in interpretation, communication, performance and critical analysis. Students engage with the cultural traditions and social contexts of drama and theatre through critical study and experiences in practical workshop activities and performances.

The Warners Bay High School English and Drama Faculty is committed to providing ‘Quality Education for All’.


  • To produce critical thinkers who are adaptable, ethical and engaged in the learning process. We use the concepts of communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration to underpin our textual analysis and support students in enriching these life long learners skills preparing them for the diversity of career paths within the modern world.

Enrichment Programs

  • Writing Competitions
  • Film Festival
  • Debating
  • Public Speaking
  • Community Performances Drama
  • External Drama Competitions
  • Guest Speakers/Workshops



Our Team

  • Dr Mason HEAD TEACHER 
  • Ms Bates
  • Ms Cummins
  • Ms Farrugia
  • Ms Gough
  • Ms Grujevski
  • Ms Lambert
  • Ms Mason
  • Mr May
  • Ms Monk
  • Ms Mulligan
  • Mr Walking
  • Ms Wilk


  • We offer a rich extra-curricular opportunity program with all students invited to participate in excursions, debating, HSC Study Days, prose, critical, poetry and film competitions, senior holiday study tutorials and workshops,  and to listen to guest speakers and view Drama performances annually to create a breadth of rich, learning opportunities.


STAGE 4: Y7 & Y8

  • Mandatory English

STAGE 5: Y9 & Y10

  • Mandatory English
  • Drama Elective

STAGE 6: Y11 & Y12

  • English Standard (2 unit)
  • English Studies (2 unit)
  • English Extension One and Two
  • Drama (2 unit)