Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488


First Class 24 Exhibition

student artwork

Congratulations to HSC Visual Arts students Ava K and Lucy L on being selected for the prestigious First Class 24 exhibition at the Museum of Art and Culture, yapang, Lake Macquarie.

Ava K’s artwork, 'Absinthe Trails', captures the essence of memory and the places she has travelled, offering an expressive and emotive narrative. Lucy Lott’s 'Internal Chatter' powerfully communicates the significance of words in exploring relationships through innovative textile art and documented form.

The First Class 24 exhibition will run from February 15 to April 6, 2025, at the Museum of Art and Culture in Booragul.

This annual event celebrates the creativity and skill of HSC Visual Arts students from the Hunter and Central Coast regions, providing a professionally curated platform to showcase their diverse talents and perspectives.

Click here to see all their works in our Gallery.