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Warners Bay High School

Warners Bay High School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 4954 9488


Stage 5 Movie Permission Note (Year 10)

As part of the Year 10 English course this year, students may view a small number of film and/or documentary clips that are classified as ‘M’ rated due to some themes and scenes which require a mature perspective. Parental permission will always be sought for each individual film.

In Term Two, to accompany their study of Shakespeare's Macbeth in the unit ‘Representations of Conflict’, students may view the film version of the novel Macbeth (rated M) directed by Roman Polanski, The Tragedy of Macbeth (rated M) directed by Joel Cohen and/or Macbeth (Not Rated) directed by Phillip Casson. These texts have been carefully selected for Stage 5 students as they highlight specific issues that are relevant to our current unit of work.

Your child will be viewing this film text under teacher supervision and will be discussing many important aspects of the text in the weeks following the viewing. If you have any issues or concerns with your child studying these texts under teacher supervision, please contact me or the class teacher on 4954 9488.